ESCape the ordinary – Youth Bridges Budapest

How can a sending organization help you before, during, and after a project? What are the obligations of the participant toward the sending organizations if there are any? Are there other kinds of mobility programs they can help you take part in?

Finding a good project and hosting organization is important as how will you spend your time abroad, and how much will you enjoy yourself during it, depends on it. BUT having a sending organization is crucial in every European Solidarity Corps opportunity because without one you cannot even participate!

So what should we know about supporting/sending organizations? My guest Szandra Varjú is one of the founders, volunteer coordinator, and project coordinator of Youth Bridges Budapest, a Hungarian sending organization. She will lead us through the process of how many different ways will the sending organization help you from the application until the end of the project. She will also present the other kinds of solidarity or mobility projects young adults can take part in next ESC if they have a supporting organization. But also answer the question. Is it better to find a hosting organization first or a sending one?

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Készítette: Lilla Dóra Mező

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