ESCape the ordinary – Meet the Volunteers!
What are the best suggestions for experienced ESC volunteers? How to deal with homesickness abroad? What happens if we have cultural and other kinds of difficulties during a project? How different is it to be part of a long-term or a short-term project?
If you are still wondering whether you should jump on a European Solidarity Corps project or not this episode is for you! During my volunteering project in Turkey, I got to know two amazing volunteers. Apart from our common Turkish project: Khatuna Turmanidze (from Georgia) already participated in a long-term project in Polland; and Miriam Palomo Diaz (from Spain) was part of an Erasmus+ possibility in Sweeden, a local volunteering activity in her hometown, and another ESC project in Italy. They will compare to us how their projects were different from the Turkish one. Also, tell the ups and downs of these opportunities. Important subjects, like how the organization’s program, the cultural differences, the homesickness, or your level of English can affect your time abroad will appear. But of course, they will tell you all the best memories and suggestions they can give you.
Most importantly we all try to give you all the information and motivation you might still need to go on a European Solidarity Corps project, ’cause this is something every youth should try out in their life! These kinds of possibilities will change you in a (good) way, that you can not understand until you try them out. So put away the excuses and jump on a project! ESCape the ordinary life and be part of something amazing!
Also if you’re listening from Hungary and interested in other kinds of possibilities like the Erasmus+ study exchanges listen to my other podcast called Megkoronázott Erasmus. You can find it on the website of the Első Pesti Egyetemi Rádió (
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